Cleveland, Ohio -- UFC President Dana White told Dan Patrick's radio audience earlier this week that Shaquille O'Neal has expressed interest in entering the Ultimate Fighter octagon. But White noted that his size and strength wouldn't be enough to carry the 7-foot-1, 325-pound (at last count) O'Neal. A more skilled mixed martial arts fighter, such as Chuck Liddell or...
Cleveland, Ohio -- UFC President Dana White told Dan Patrick's radio audience earlier this week that Shaquille O'Neal has expressed interest in entering the Ultimate Fighter octagon. Shaquille O'Neal's character had some of the best moves on the Sega game Shaq Fu. As a tribute to that, he is now a playable character in the Xbox and Playstation versions of the game UFC 2010. A free code lets gamers find the character.
But White noted that his size and strength wouldn't be enough to carry the 7-foot-1, 325-pound (at last count) O'Neal. A more skilled mixed martial arts fighter, such as Chuck Liddell or Rashad Evans, probably would wipe the floor (or, ceiling, whichever) with him.
Right now, that's all speculation. But gamers know Shaq is already in the octagon. He is a playable character on Playstation and Xbox versions of "UFC 2010," writes Mihail Cernea, games editor for revealed the (free) codes that needed to be entered in the main menu for both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 versions of the title. The Xbox 360 code is: Down, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left, Up, Down, Down, Left, X,Y, X, Start. The PlayStation 3 code is: Down, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left, Up, Down, Down, Left, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Start. The website also posted a screenshot confirming that the codes did work and that Shaq was a real, playable character in the game.
Fortunately, as far as Starting Blocks has been able to determine, no Celtics are part of the game.