The Knicks are planning their full-court press and the Cavs still don't have a coach. See what today's meter reads.
Well New York's not wasting any time in trying to court LeBron James. Brian Windhorst is reporting that the Knicks are planning "an elaborate meal and meeting with James in a high-end location in Manhattan during the afternoon and evening of July 1, which is next Thursday. The tentative plan is for Knicks management and officials to host James and his various agents and friends for a large dinner party catered by a celebrity chef."
We'll see your celebrity chef, New York, and raise you ours.
Of course, one thing the Knicks have that the Cavaliers don't is a head coach. Things aren't getting any clearer on that front either as Phil Jackson may be leaning towards retirement. That means Byron Scott, the most experienced and successful coach on the market, may have another suitor. Which means the Cavaliers may have fired Mike Brown so they could end up with this guy?
So really, what's a city to do at this point? Beg?
Today's reading: Uh-Oh

Like everyone else in Cleveland, we wonder what LeBron James will do when his contract is up this summer. Will he stay home, or follow the bright lights to Broadway? Until he decides to talk, we have to rely on hunches, instincts and educated guesswork. We'll report our findings, more or less daily, using the LeBron-O-Meter.