Plain Dealer Cavs beat writer talks about whether Izzo is using Cavs as leverage.
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Welcome to today's edition of Starting Blocks TV, our Web video show about what's going on in Cleveland sports.
On today's show, hosts Branson Wright and Chuck Yarborough:
• Talk about whether a college coach, like Michigan State's Tom Izzo, can make the jump to the NBA and be successful. What's your opinion? Take the poll now posted on the Starting Blocks blog.
• Talk with Plain Dealer Cavaliers beat writer Brian Windhorst about the contract the Cavs reportedly have offered Izzo. Windhorst says he thinks it could be worth more than $30 million, which is the number he felt confident reporting today. Also, he talks about the demands of covering the LeBron James sweepstakes, which have him on the phone from 7 a.m. to past midnight each day.
SBTV will return Wednesday with Plain Dealer reporter Dennis Manoloff, who will talk about Washington Nationals pitching phenom Stephen Strasburg, who makes his first start tonight and is scheduled to pitch Sunday against the Indians.
Have a question for Dman? Post it in the comments below, and we'll ask the best ones during Wednesday's show.