Join DSN's lineup of all-star hosts from now until 11 p.m. and get in on the live sports talk by posting in our chat room and calling into the shows.
As always, there's always plenty to talk about in the world of Cleveland sports.
What does Eric Mangini have to do to get another year? Can the Cavs get back on track tonight against the Sixers? Will the Indians do anything at the winter meetings?
Join DSN's lineup of all-star hosts from now until 11 p.m. and get in on the discussion by posting in our chat room and calling into the shows.
Here's today's lineup on Digital Sports Network:6-9 a.m.: About Last Night: Mike Cairns and Bill Boronkay
9 a.m.-noon: Locked and Loaded: Greg Kozarik and Brian Fowler
2-6 p.m.: The Gloves Are Off: Chuck Booms and Harry Petsanis
6-8 p.m.: Gametime with Daryl Ruiter and Ken Silverstein
8-11 p.m.: The Final Word: Joe Lull and Bob Karlovec
Remember, you can watch the live video stream or listen to the audio-only stream and interact with the studio via chat room, Twitter, Facebook, phone or email.
Be sure to also check out DSN's sports blog.