Hear former Browns coach Sam Rutigliano talk about the win at 2 p.m. what it means for Colt McCoy, Eric Mangini and the team's prospects for the rest of the season on The Gloves Are Off on DSN from 2-6 p.m.
The Monday morning quarterbacking on the Browns' big win continues on Digital Sports Network on cleveland.com with The Gloves Are Off. Every weekday from 2-6 p.m., Chuck Booms and Harry Petsanis break down the hot sports topics of the day with attitude.This afternoon, they'll be joined by former Browns coach Sam Rutigliano at 2 p.m. to talk about the win, what it means for Colt McCoy, Eric Mangini and the team's prospects for the rest of the season.
Will Smith of NflDraftDog.com will also be on the show at 3:30 p.m.
Remember, you can watch the live video stream or listen to the audio-only stream and interact with Harry and Booms via chat room, Twitter, Facebook, phone or email.
Want to talk sports now? DSN streams live every weekday from 6 a.m.-11 p.m.
Go to the Gloves Are Off show page to learn about the hosts. Be sure to check out DSN's full programming schedule as well.