The 'Meter is moving again. David Stern, will you please shut up?
Like everyone else in Cleveland, we wonder what LeBron James will do when his contract is up this summer. Will he stay home, or follow the bright lights to Broadway? Until he decides to talk, we have to rely on hunches, instincts and educated guesswork. We'll report our findings, more or less daily, using the LeBron-O-Meter.
We're not happy today at LeBron-O-Meter control, though Danny Ferry's departure has nothing to do with it. That could cut either way, as far as LeBron's decision-making is concerned.No, it's just that the speculation about LeBron's intentions is starting to make us feel dizzy. We always expected it to be over the top, but some of the things we're hearing are just plain ridiculous.
Take this bit from NBA Fanhouse, which claims to have a source saying that LeBron's interview with Larry King is just the beginning of a nationwide free agency tour that will take him to several cities thought to be possible landing spots if he flees his hometown. Not out of the question, certainly, but could it possibly be true that Nike is going to put out a new shoe commemorating each visit he makes? The mind reels.
Then there's the latest from David Stern, who not so long ago was saying he prefers prominent players to stay with the teams where they first made their mark. NOW he's saying something quite different:
"It's up to the players to decide where they want to go. They fought very hard for that right, and I'm perfectly fine with that."
OK, Stern has never been a poster boy for consistency, but ouch.
Finally, we hate to admit it, but Gene Wojciechowski made a pretty good case for LeBron going to the Bulls, mainly because he's funnier than we are.
Today's meter reading: