A writer is trying to make sense of what is going on at Seneca Golf Course in Broadview Heights.

Q: Hey, T.R.: Since last year, it appears the Cleveland Metroparks and/or Department of Recreation has taken over Seneca Golf Course in Broadview Heights, and their first official act was to close down one of the two 18-hole courses. The only "explanation" I can get is they hope to use the old B course as "wetlands." I can't make sense of this, and I'm already feeling the pinch of all the golfers who used to play there now being squeezed into half the space. Can you offer any additional information? And to whom do I write/e-mail to express my dissatisfaction with this decision? -- John Bertschler
A: Hey, John: No one has taken over Seneca. Yet. Michael E. Cox, director of Parking, Recreation and Properties for the city of Cleveland, said he is hoping legislation will be passed on Monday for the city to begin leasing Seneca to the Cleveland Metroparks. He said a lack of play and a lack of staffing prevented the city from properly maintaining the 18 holes that have been closed. Cox can be reached at 216-664-2485.
Q: Hey, T.R.: I am going to buy tickets to the Bridgestone Invitational, but I sure would like to see Tiger Woods play. Considering the events over the last couple of months, do you know if he has entered the tournament? -- Mark Wilson, Akron
A: Hey, Mark: Don Padgett III, executive director of the Bridgestone Invitational, to be held at Firestone Country Club in Akron on Aug. 5-8, said Woods has not yet entered to defend the title he won last year by four shots when he overtook Padraig Harrington, who led after each of the first three rounds.
The deadline to enter a tournament is the Friday prior to the event at 5 p.m. It is not uncommon for a player of the stature of Woods or Phil Mickelson to wait until the last minute to enter a tournament. The last minute in the case of the Bridgestone would be July 30. Padgett said to the best of his recollection Woods has never entered the Firestone event any earlier than necessary. I think you can take his playing at Muirfield this week as a positive sign for Firestone.
-- T.R.