"This week will be a good measure. I believe that this team is much improved over last year and, barring a rash of devastating injuries like we saw in the first few weeks of 2008, should beat these first two teams convincingly and be in most games until the final whistle." - Joe1970KnowsFootball
In response to the story Tampa Bay offers Cleveland Browns a good chance to start season with a victory: Tony Grossi's Scouting Report, cleveland.com reader Joe1970KnowsFootball sees a much better team than last year. This reader writes,
"This week will be a good measure. I believe that this team is much improved over last year and, barring a rash of devastating injuries like we saw in the first few weeks of 2008, should beat these first two teams convincingly and be in most games until the final whistle."
To respond to Joe1970KnowsFootball's comment, go here.
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