The LeBron-O-Meter takes a step backward today, after an awkward holiday weekend.
Like everyone else in Cleveland, we wonder what LeBron James will do when his contract is up this summer. Will he stay home, or follow the bright lights to Broadway? Until he decides to talk, we have to rely on hunches, instincts and educated guesswork. We'll report our findings, more or less daily, using the LeBron-O-Meter.
With less than 30 days to go before LeBron James officially becomes a free agent, the frenzy is really starting to build.Not because of the impending summit with Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade and other NBA luminaries. What could possibly come of such a meeting, other than publicity? It's not like any two of them could sell themselves as a package deal.
On the other hand, LeBron didn't exactly seem happy to be in Cleveland when he helped judge a dunking contest over the holiday weekend. According to the AP, it was an "awkward" reunion, with the King showing up late and saying almost nothing.
And speaking of Kings, there's another one, Larry, who taped an interview with LeBron today that will air Friday night. We doubt LeBron would have tipped his hand to the Suspendered One, but the very idea of talking to the wizened old man kind of creeps us out.
Finally, we also got nervous reading this piece about the 10 top potential matchups between LeBron and various other stars and superstars. A lot of them make more sense, say, than
LeBron and Mo Williams.
So, while we don't feel quite as desperate as this guy, we're feeling a little queasier than when last we set the 'Meter.
Today's meter reading: Keep 'em guessing

Previous meter reading: Lookin' good