Who do LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh think they are ... other than Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, Bud Shaw writes in his Sunday Spin.

The Big Three have nothing on James, Wade and Bosh. And by "Big Three," of course, we mean Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
With the July 1 free agency period approaching, first Chris Bosh and then Dwyane Wade have hinted at attending a summit of sorts with LeBron James to talk about their respective futures or, possibly, a common future for two of them.
Atlanta's Joe Johnson is another rumored participant, but sources indicate that Wade, James and Bosh would include Johnson only so there is someone to send out for coffee.
"[Free agency] has been three years coming," Wade told the Chicago Tribune. "We've discussed it prematurely, at different times. [But] you don't know what guys are thinking and where they're going. I think we'll all sit down, and before one of us makes a decision, all of us will have spoken to each other and [listened to the] thinking.
"A lot of decisions [will be based on] what other players are willing to do and what other guys want to do. So it's not just a 'me' situation here. We all have to look and see what each other is thinking."
Got that?
Call them selfish if that's your thing. Criticize them for holding their teams and the league hostage. Be a player hater if you must.
But he's right. It isn't a case of me, me, me.
It's us, us, us.
Hate is such a strong word anyway. Let's just say that if James, Wade and Bosh want people to resent them to the last of their dying days, they're moving in that direction.
Depending on the decisions, they could come off like the guys on the playground stacking the teams for their own enjoyment. First, they decide to turn free agent together. Now, they consult each other and two of the three could decide to play together somewhere?
The Evil Empire sentiment about the New York Yankees could easily spill over to the Knicks if they walk off with James and Bosh. That seems the most likely pairing, though Miami has the flexibility to bring in help for Wade. Because the NBA is not expected to change the rule that says only one basketball at a time can be in use, it's difficult to imagine James and Wade together in the last two minutes of a game. But I guess it's not out of the question.
Wade has talked about organizational loyalty meaning the most to him. He calls Miami a loyal organization. And he calls himself a loyal person.
James has been the quietest of the three. He's settled into the "keep 'em guessing" area of the LeBron-O-Meter and put his feet up.
Bosh? I don't want to say he sounds overly anxious to get out of Toronto and play with James. But the makers of "What About Bob" might want to consider a similarly themed sequel called in which the Raptors big man keeps showing up at James' vacation home looking for acceptance.
Bosh, James and Wade became close while playing for Team USA at the Beijing Olympics. All are clients of Creative Artists Agency of Los Angeles. So the expected pow wow might not only include them, but perhaps agents looking to maximize their brands.

Would the Real Joe West please sit down and be quiet?
Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen lashed out after umpire West ejected him and later pitcher Mark Buehrle Wednesday at Progressive Field. West called a balk on Buehrle. Guillen argued and got evicted. When West called another balk on Buehrle, the lefty threw his glove to the ground in disgust. West kicked him out, too.
"Sometimes he thinks people pay to see him umpire," Guillen said.
Now, wherever might one get that idea? From the PR machine that trumpets West as a Renaissance man? The one whose email press release reads, "Joe West, Major League Umpire over 30 years, is one of the most unique individuals in the professional sports world?"
The one that touts his Web site (cowboyjoewest.com) and his singing ability?
The one that refers to him as a "true Patriot, Humanitarian, a Believer and a person with millions of funny stories to tell but also a man that will give an answer to any question."
Asked how he felt about being fined by Major League Baseball for his actions during the White Sox-Indians game, West said, "I will say that's none of your business."
Which technically, I guess, is an answer.
Sounds like he is keeping track, and, even if he weren't, they have these things called "standings"
"We don't keep count here. That's your job. We just show up and play hard every day. We still have over 100 games to play." -- Indians' manager Manny Acta when asked if he felt the season slipping away.
(The Expanded Sunday Edition)
"Dear Bud:
"First you picked the Cavs over the Celtics in five. Then [May 13] you picked Orlando in five. Will you be going for the hat trick?" -- Mark
No. I'm going for the quad. I got the Suns over Boston in five and BP over the oil leak.
"I understand 75 Clippers fans showed up at a 'We want LeBron' rally. Wow, I didn't realize there were that many Clipper fans." -- Angelo, Cleveland
I didn't realize Clippers fans knew how to stage a parade.
"Did Jim Brown have any speaking parts in his movies?" -- S. Major
Yes, as Robert Jefferson in the 1967 movie "The Dirty Dozen," Brown delivers a rousing speech in which he rips Ohio State for future insensitivity toward Maurice Clarett.
"Have the Indians ever considered 'Bud Shaw Bobblehead' day?" -- Tom H
Since only in Philadelphia is fan vomiting purposely induced, no.
"A local sports talk radio station thought it necessary to report that former Cleveland QB Ken Dorsey signed with the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL. Are we that desperate for Browns news?" -- Pat
Sorry. I got distracted. I was tweeting a Reuben Droughns update. What were you saying?
"If LeBron James leaves Cleveland, The Plain Dealer will be reduced by half. Will the PD then reduce the subscription rate?" -- Marlene
Sadly for you, no. The 50 percent PD staff expansion that followed the drafting of Colt McCoy will not allow it.
"You and other PD writers had plenty of time, 10 days, to say something good about coach Mike Brown but instead you spent it blabbering LeBron gossip and greasing the skids for a good man and a damn good coach to get canned." -- George
Greasing the skids? Not sure Dan Gilbert got to where he is by taking the advice of a bunch of journalism majors, but your flattery is much appreciated.
"How come the media and fans have been so critical of The Chosen One? I thought he played Game Five against Boston with great determination and the heart of a true champion." -- Sincerely, Roberto Duran (Dave E.)
You just made Jim Brown's list.
"Voice of Reason:
"Dan Gilbert can't seriously be considering Kelvin Sampson, can he? After the Cavs lackluster performance in the end against Boston, shouldn't he be concerned about Kelvin just phoning it in?" -- Dan O
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