"Typical Ryan defense. May as well hold up signs: 'We're Blitzin'!' His last five defenses have fared no better than 25th, so why should I expect anything more? His mouth talks a good game, though." - HowEYEseesit
In response to the story Browns use a steady offense (and Phil Dawson's leg) to nip Green Bay, 27-24, in preseason opener, cleveland.com reader HowEYEseesit doesn't see what other Browns fans see in Rob Ryan. This reader writes,
"Typical Ryan defense. May as well hold up signs: 'We're Blitzin'!' His last five defenses have fared no better than 25th, so why should I expect anything more? His mouth talks a good game, though."
To respond to HowEYEseesit's comment, go here.
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